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Encourage kids to try new foods, with a little
help from Elmo!

Trying New Foods Video
Prueba Nuevos Alimentos Video

Watch the video together. At snacks, meals, and in-between times, you can sing lines from the song.


Children may not want to try new things the first time (or even the twentieth time!) but keep at it. It takes time. Encourage kids to try a small bite of new foods, and point out others’ choices (“Your older sister had to try okra thirteen times before she liked it, but look how much she likes it now!”).

Miren el video juntos. En los refrigerios, las comidas y entre tiempos, pueden cantar líneas de la canción.


Los niños pueden no querer probar cosas nuevas la primera vez (¡o incluso la vigésima vez!), pero persistan. Lleva tiempo. Animen a los niños a probar un pequeño bocado de alimentos nuevos y señalen las elecciones de los demás ("¡Tu hermana mayor tuvo que probar el quimbombó trece veces antes de que le gustara, pero mira cuánto le gusta ahora!").

March 2024
Mealtime Memo

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March is a month to celebrate nutrition and wellness. It is also a time to educate and bring awareness to the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). Programs participating in the CACFP serve nutritious foods that meet the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) meal pattern requirements. This Mealtime Memo will provide the USDA optional best practices you can use to strengthen the nutritional quality of meals served.

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Winterblues 01.2024.jpg
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Mental Health Flyer - Spanish-1.jpg

You Have the Power to Protect Your Child!

Health Advisory- Measles confirmed in NY

For More Information:


¡Usted tiene el poder de proteger a su hijo! Aviso de salud: sarampión confirmado en Nueva York

Para más información:

For more information on 

Respiratory Syncytial Virus


Para más información sobre

Virus Sincitial Respiratorio


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In Your Child

Nurturing your child’s independence can start at any age. Try these tips to improve their self-esteem, self-sufficiency and problem-solving skills.

Children Tying Their Shoes

Fomentar Independencia

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© 2019 PRFI New York

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